Sorority Acronyms and Hashtags
Whether you're a member or not, we bet you don't know them all! Sororities seem to have a never-ending appetite for acronyms and hashtags and it's hard to keep up! We'll keep updating the list and please message us if you have anything to add!
AC: "Associate Class"
Another way to describe a Member Class.
ADIB: “Angels do it Better”
Pi Beta Phi unofficial motto (their mascot is an angel)
AGC: “Asian Greek Council”
Typically represents and supports sororities and fraternities that are culturally or ethnically Asian. It serves to provide a network for these organizations, promote cultural awareness, and facilitate collaboration among its member groups.
AGL: “Abolish Greek Life”
An anti-Greek Life movement motivated by concerns about racism, hazing, elitism, and misogyny associated with Greek Life. Read more about the Abolish Movement.
ALAM: “Alpha Love and Mine”
Used by Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, and Alpha Delta Pi as an affectionate signoff or supportive social media comment.
Used by Alpha Epsilon Phi and the meaning is shared only with initiated members.
AOT: “Arete opehleo telos”
Appears on Kappa Delta’s badge, meaning “Moral excellence accomplishes our ends.” Kappa Delta’s “secret” motto. We’ve also heard KDs define it as “All Onward Together” and “Always on Top”.
It’s a little redundant, but KD uses this for “All Out Tuesday” and reflects a social media trend where KDs post lots of pictures wearing letters and with other members.
A Delta Gamma hashtag often used on bid day and we’re pretty sure it’s about “the Boat” because they also use “rushed the boat.” Message us if you can explain.
BBPB: “Bound by Powerful Bonds”
Tri Delta uses this one and we haven’t found any origin story yet!
BBTTR: “Burning Brighter Than the Rest”
A motivational or congratulatory message used by Delta Zeta, whose symbol is a Roman lamp.
CA: “Chapter Advisor”
A volunteer role that works closely with the chapter president and the rest of the chapter.
Used by Lambda Pi Upsilon, a Latina sorority. Message us if you’ve got more info!
CCAB: “Collegiate Chapter Advisory Board”
A group of volunteers who advise the chapter’s exec board, led by the Chapter Advisor.
#CHTBLY: “Came Here to Be Like You”
A Tri Delta expression of sorority pride.
CMT: “Chapter Management Team”
A group of officers and leaders within a sorority chapter who work together to manage and oversee the chapter's operations; it is a broader group than the Exec Board.
COB: “Continuous Open Bidding”
When chapter’s recruit new members outside of formal recruitment. More on COB.
CPC: “Collegiate Panhellenic Council”
An organization that oversees all of the sororities on a particular college or university campus.
DL: “Dove Love”
Used by Sigma Kappa as an affectionate signoff and it’s also a program where members can honor other members with a donation. The dove is their symbol.
DLAM: “Delta Love and Mine”
A Tri Delta hashtag or signoff expressing sorority spirit, support, or congratulations to another member or chapter.
DTID: “Delta Til I Die”
A Tri Delta expression of loyalty. Rumor is that it’s rooted in their initiation ritual.
ELC: “Educational Leadership Consultant”
A member of the sorority who is a recent college graduate and works with collegiate chapters as a full-time, paid professional. ELCs travel to chapters to assist with recruitment, officer training, programming, ritual, reporting, operations, and more.
FSL: “Fraternity and Sorority Life”
Some colleges and universities have departments of Fraternity and Sorority Life that oversee all aspects of Greek Life with the school’s best interests in mind.
G-BIG: "Grand Big"
Your big sister’s big sister.
GG-BIG: "Great Grand Big"
Your big sister’s big sister’s big sister (aka your G-Big's big)
GDI: “G-d Damned Independent”
A student who is not a member of Greek Life. More on GDI.
#GRWM: “Get Ready with Me”
A hashtag for reels and TikToks where a member talks to camera while doing skin care, makeup, and hair.
IFC: "Intrafraternity Council
A governing body that oversees and coordinates the activities of fraternities on a college or university campus, like the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) does for sororities. It typically works to ensure that fraternities adhere to university policies and fraternity standards, promotes positive fraternity experiences, and organizes events and initiatives to support member chapters. The IFC also often serves as a liaison between the fraternities and the campus administration.
Greek letters Pi Kappa Epsilon used by Gamma Phi Beta as a signoff. We don’t know what it stands for but GPhis tell us it’s related to “love and light.”
IOB: “In Our Bonds”
Tri Sigma’s version of “sincerely.”
ITB: “In the Bonds”
Delta Gamma’s version of IOB.
Anyone have a hint? "Kappa Delta Above..."??
LICO: “Love in Chi Omega”
A Chi Omega signoff.
LIOB: “Love in Our Bond”
A Phi Mu signoff.
LIS: “Love in Sisterhood”
We’re not sure if this one is specific to a sorority or fair game for all.
LISK: “Love in Sigma Kappa”
A Sigma Kappa signoff.
LITB: “Love in the Bond”
Like LIS, we’re not sure if this ones is specific to a sorority.
LITD: “Love in the Dove”
Another Sigma Kappa expression.
LITP: “Love In the Pyramid”
A Sigma Kappa signoff; the pyramid is their symbol.
MC: “Member Class”
What sororities call their new members as a group between bid day and initiation. It used to be called a Pledge Class. Why we don't use "pledge" anymore.
MGC: “Multicultural Greek Council”
The MGC is an umbrella organization that represents and supports sororities and fraternities that are culturally or ethnically based. It provides a network for these organizations, promotes cultural awareness, and often facilitates collaboration and support among its member groups.
MRABA: “Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement”
A formal document that potential new members sign, committing them to accepting a bid from a sorority. MRABA 101.
#MTRCKD: “Made the Right Choice Kappa Delta” or “Met the Rest, Chose Kappa Delta”
NM: “New Member”
Someone who has accepted a bid from a sorority but has not yet been initiated.
NPC: “National Panhellenic Conference”
The umbrella organization for 26 international and national sororities. More on NPC.
NPHC: “National Pan-Hellenic Council”
The governing body for the nine historical Black sororoties and fraternities (aka the Divine Nine.) More on NPHC.
#OOTD: “Outfit of the Day”
A popular social media tag used broadly, which sororities have co-opted specifically for recruitment. Potential new members and recruiters often post OOTD videos detailing the brands of their clothes, shoes, and jewelry.
We think this one belongs to Delta Gamma; message us if you know more.
#OTBGC: “Only the Best Get Crowned”
A Zeta Tau Alpha hashtag; their symbol is a 5-point crown
#OTBJTN: “Only the Best Join the Nest”
A Chi Omega hashtag referencing their symbol, the owl.
#OTBWD: “Only the Best Will Do”
Alpha Chi Omega has claimed this one.
#OTBWP: “Only the Best Wear Purple”
Used by Sigma Kappa and we’ve also seen “Only the Best Will Pledge”
PC: “Pledge Class”
“New Member Class” or “Member Class” is more current terminology.
PLAM: “Panhellenic Love and Mine”
A signoff used by members of all sororities, especially when messaging someone from another sorority.
PNM: “Potential New Member”
Someone interested in joining a sorority. During formal recruitment, a PNM is someone registered for recruitment and remains a PNM until they accept a bid and become a new member.
PNMIF: “Potential New Member Information Form”
Usually online, a way for a potential new member to indicate interest in a sorority or for someone else to recommend that potential new member. We've broken down all of the pre-registration and registration forms for you.
PNMRF: “Potential New Member Recommendation Form”
Usually online, a way for a sorority member to recommend a potential new member for someone else to recommend that potential new member. More about sorority recommendations.
PPL: “Pi Phi Love”
A Pi Beta Phi signoff.
PPLAM: “Pi Phi Love and Mine”
Another Pi Beta Phi signoff.
PRL: “Phi Rho Love”
Phi Sigma Rho’s signoff.
RIF: “Recruitment Information Form”
See Potential New Member Information Form
RX: “Rho Chi”
SEC: “Southeastern Conference”
A collegiate athletic association comprised mostly of universities in the South Central and Southeastern parts of the United States. The SEC is known for strong athletic programs, football in particular, and Greek Life is usually a significant part of student life at SEC schools. In the context of sorority, if someone says “I went through recruitment at an SEC school” they are implying that it was a highly competitive recruitment experience.
SKLAM: “Sigma Kappa Love and Mine”
A Sigma Kappa signoff.
SLAM - “Sigma Kappa Love and Mine”
Another Sigma Kappa signoff
We’ve seen this on Chi Omega posts; anyone know what it stands for?
TDH: “Tau Delta Eta”
Appears on Delta Gamma’s crest and DG’s use it as a more serious signoff. Writing out what the English version means is a secret so we’re not going to violate that.
TFJ: “Truth, Friendship and Justice”
Alpha Xi Delta has a tradition of telling new members that TFJ stands for “Thanks for Joining” until they are initiated and learn what it really stands for. They also use #TFJTuesday to post about sisterhood on social media.
TLAM: “Theta Love and Mine”
Kappa Alpha Theta signoff.
Belongs to Kappa Delta Xi, a Latina sorority, and we don’t know the meaning yet!
We’re not 100% sure, but we think it’s how the formal recruitment matching process refers to a person who is released from consideration by all sororities before the end of recruitment.
#WBBTY: “Wine Blue Better than You” or “Went Blue Better than You”
Pi Beta Phis use this to express sorority spirit; their colors are wine and blue.
#WDAMO: “What Dreams are Made Of”
Used by Gamma Phi to express sorority spirit.
#WKYWTD: “We Know You All Want the D”
A Tri Delta hashtag.
#WLFEO: "We Live For Each Other"
The open motto of Alpha Delta Pi.
#WPTB: “We Pick the Best”
Used by Tri Delta.
#WRHTTR: “We Rose Higher Than the Rest”
An Alpha Omicron Pi expression; the rose is their flower.
#WTQOTR: “We are the Queens of Row”
A Zeta Tau Alpha brag, made famous by YOUNG036’s song “6 Zetas in This Benz.”
Alpha Xi Delta combines the “xo” from letter-writing with their “xi” for a custom signoff.
YITS: “Yours in True Sisterhood”
A Delta Phi Epsilon signoff.
#YKYWTW: “You Know You Want the Wings”
A Pi Beta Phi brag.
ZLAM: “ Zeta Love and Mine”
A Zeta Tau Alpha signoff.